This food was made to stand out!

Photo taken on Oratory’s Field
Photo of a delectable pineapple in my kitchen


Questions and Thoughts:

For the first photo in the school, I did not choose the food. I just saw my model on the field eating and thought it was the perfect photo. For the one at home, I wanted to choose an exotic or uncommon fruit so I chose a pineapple and put it on a blender to signify that pineapples are in smoothies.

The lighting in the school photo was during a foggy morning, which shows in my model’s attitude. He is laying down and tired and snacking. The at home photo was taken at night, with the only source of light being the overhead chandelier. This affects the photo because it highlights the pineapple.

The first photo I tried to use the RULE OF THIRDS, where I had the chip in his mouth, on his chest, and the chip bag in his hand on separate parts of the screen. The pineapple photo I tried to get CLOSE UP to the pineapple and have it covering the entire screen. I cropped these like this to focus on all parts of the food.

For the first photo, I made it vibrant to try and show all the variety of foods in the party mix. For the second photo, I tried to make it as vibrant as possible. Thats because it is a tropical fruit and is vibrant.

For the first photo I tried to make it look like it was taken from above at a bird’s eye view. This makes it look like a bird is watching him trying to get the food. For the second one I put the camera close up to the pineapple to try and show how tall it is.

For next years students, I recommend they choose photos that are easier to crop. My pineapple leaves were difficult to select to color in. I would also recommend choosing an odd food to make your photos stand out.

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